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quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

Mallu Magalhães em dia de chuva...

A voz dessa menina me parece perfeita pra um dia de chuva...
E eu simplesmente adoro a letra dessa música:

Tchubaruba Mallu Magalhães

After all the weekend, in a supposed calm Sunday afternoon
At the moment she could see the moon
When I saw her she was just crying, under my favorite tree
So I talked to her and I was trying, to show her what she couldn't see
Behind the flowers in a light she found the sun
Behind the sad I showed her that life is really fun
With some nature together we admire the birds
Collected some different leaves
We realized how amazing the world is...

If you come over I will say tchubaruba
If you are down, Yes I will say tchubaruba,
If you don't know where I am, I'll be tchubirubing,
If you don't know who you are
You can tchubada, you can tchubaduba

Hey, ha, ho
There's no reason to hide
I could be kind a guide
I could be by her side

Yey, ya yo
She could be just with me
I would be grateful
I would feel... Yes I would be really cool...

If you come over... (refão)
Hey ha ho ....
If you come over... (refão)

2 comentários:

Iggy disse...

Tem outra que é boa pra dia de chuva também: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLGxwTEp0WQ

Leti Abreu e Mimoso disse...

Sim, é ótima também... lembrei dela, mas vou fazer, quem sabe até amanhã, uma postagem só pra ela!